Updated 2006-10-01

OJF_015 download page

Fortran-77 sources for the Optimal Jet Finder, version OJF_015, that implements the Optimal Jet Definition.

The main code file: ojf_015, the common blocks: ojf_com.fh, two INCLUDE files: ojf_par.fh, ojf_kin.fh.
(For comparison: the obsolete version ojf_014.)

NB Code examples may refer to ojf_014. Please perform the necessary modifications.


1) demo.f, input: demo.in, output: demo.out.

2) example.f, input: example.in, output: example.out.

All the above in one zip file (26K).

3) ww160.f, input: ww160.in.gz, output: ww160.out.gz.

4) ww160a.f, input same as above, output: ww160a.out.


C++ wrapper for OJF_xxx by Constantin Loizides

True C++ code is here. For a description see.

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