c ===================================================================== c Constant definitions for ojf_015 (or ojf_014). c INTEGER njets_max, nparts_max PARAMETER ( njets_max=20, nparts_max=2000 ) c Numerics-related parameters c DOUBLE PRECISION zero, one, inf PARAMETER ( zero=0, one=1, inf=(one*10)**100 ) DOUBLE PRECISION eps_snap, eps_round, eps_sum, eps_norm, & eps_Et, inf_step, eps_dist, eps_radius c c It is imaginable that some of the parameters below c may need to be changed. c But think twice before doing so. c In particular, smaller values would enhance sensitivity to rounding c errors, causing violations of invariants and STOPs. c One may change eps_snap to a smaller value, say 10^-5, and see c if the results would change; for a small fraction of events this may c slow the finding of jets but help to better identify local minima. c PARAMETER( & eps_snap = (one*10)**(-3), & eps_round = (one*10)**(-6), & eps_sum = (one*10)**(-8), & eps_sum0 = (one*10)**(-6), & eps_sum1 = (one*10)**(-4), & eps_norm = (one*10)**(-6), & eps_Et = (one*10)**(-6), & eps_dist = (one*10)**(-6), & eps_radius = (one*10)**(-3), & inf_step = (one*10)**30 & ) c ===================================================================== c The rest is not supposed to be modified by the user. INTEGER random_m PARAMETER ( random_m = 259200 ) c array p_a( i, particle_label ): c c i=0..3 --> E, p_x, p_y, p_z, c i=4 --> Et, c i=5 --> eta, c i=6 --> Et*eta c c particle_label = 1..nparts INTEGER par_Et, par_eta, par_Eteta PARAMETER ( par_Et=4, par_eta=5, par_Eteta=6 ) c array q_j( i, jet_label ): c c i=0..6 --> same as with pa c i=7 -> Y, i=8 -> p0shmpzch, c i=9..12 -> components of $\tilde q_j$ c c jet_label = 1..njets INTEGER par_y, p0shmpzch, tilde PARAMETER ( par_y=7, p0shmpzch=8, tilde=9 ) c c =====================================================================