of the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
named after Outstanding Scientists
Nikolay Nikolaevich
21.08.1909 - 13.02.1992
Georgy Timofeevich
28.05.1917 - 08.03.2010
Moisey Alexandrovich
13.05.1908 - 01.10.1994
Albert Nikiforovich
16.12.1930 - 27.02.2010
Ilya Mikhaylovich
23.10.1908 - 22.06.1990
Alexander Evgenievich
16.06.1921 - 25.01.2001
Laureates in the academic year 2016-2017:
Graduate students:
ASTAPOV Konstantin Olegovich
Academician A.N.Tavkhelidze Grant of INR RAS
KARPIKOV Ivan Sergeevich
Academician A.N.Tavkhelidze Grant of INR RAS
KASPAROV Alexander Alexandrovich
Academician I.M.Frank Grant of INR RAS
KUROCHKA Viktoriya Leonidovna
Academician M.A.Markov Grant of INR RAS
LUCHUK Stanislav Vladimirovich
Academician A.E.Chudakov Grant of INR RAS
MEFODIEV Alexander Vladimirovich
Academician M.A.Markov Grant of INR RAS
OVSYANNIKOVA Tatyana Alexeevna
Academician G.T.Zatsepin Grant of INR RAS
OSTAPENKO Valentina Sergeevna
Academician I.M.Frank Grant of INR RAS
SIDORENKOV Andrey Yurevich
Academician G.T.Zatsepin Grant of INR RAS
SOBOLEV Ivan Vladimirovich
Academician A.N.Tavkhelidze Grant of INR RAS
CHUDAYKIN Anton Sergeevich
Academician N.N.Bogolubov Grant of INR RAS
SHABANOV Arseny Igorevich
Academician M.A.Markov Grant of INR RAS
SHELEPOV Mark Dmitrievich
Academician A.E.Chudakov Grant of INR RAS
VOLKOVA Viktoriya Evgenevna
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
ZHEZHER Yana Valerevna
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
KLEYMENOVA Alina Alexandrovna
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
KONEVSKIKH Artem Sergeevich
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
FITKEVICH Maksim Dmitrievich
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
KHARUK Ivan Vyacheslavovich
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
BARINOV Vladislav Valerevich
Academician M.A.Markov Grant of INR RAS
GORBACHEV Anatoly Valerevich
Academician I.M.Frank Grant of INR RAS
EREMEEV Dmitry Valerevich
Academician N.N.Bogolubov Grant of INR RAS
KROKHALEVA Svetlana Dmitrievna
Academician G.T.Zatsepin Grant of INR RAS
PUSTYNNIKOV Alexey Pavlovich
Academician A.N.Tavkhelidze Grant of INR RAS
SUVOROV Sergey Borisovich
Academician I.M.Frank Grant of INR RAS
Academician A.E.Chudakov Grant of INR RAS
CHERMOSHENTSEV Dmitry Aleksandrovich
Academician N.N.Bogolubov Grant of INR RAS
CHURAEV Mikhail Mikhaylovich
Academician A.N.Tavkhelidze Grant of INR RAS
DAVYDOV Konstantin Sergeevich
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
KOVTUN Andrey Vadimovich
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
KOLEVATOV Roman Sergeevich
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
POPESKU Andrey Dorinovich
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
SOKOLOV Anton Vladimirovich
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
FARKHTDINOV Bulat Rinatovich
Inscribed Grant of INR RAS 50%
We wish the laureates success in their work and personal life!