# Gnuplot script # plot relative timings for 80-bit/32-bit/64-bit reset set macros #set term png enhanced font arial 10 size 400,600 set term png enhanced size 1180,650 fontscale 0.7 set key right top Left reverse samplen 2 #set xrange [2**20 : 2**35] set xrange [5.6 : 10.7] set yrange [0.:2.5] #set logscale x # set logscale y #er(x,y)=sqrt(x**2+y**2) set grid #### 80-bit vs. 64-bit vs. 32-bit #colors="black red blue green dark-violet grey40 yellow" #colors="black yellow4 brown4 brown dark-violet blue dark-blue green" # reset index of default line styles colors="blue green red dark-violet brown yellow" set for [i=1:words(colors)] linetype i lw 2 lc rgb word(colors, i) dir="./data2/" #dir="./" tlist="SUM E PI" caps='S E PI' plist="32 64" flags=".o2 .o2native" #hosts= "chromebook" hosts= "cluster cluster51 cluster42 rut nuke chromebook" set output sprintf('performance_80_64.png') x1=6. set multiplot layout words(flags),words(hosts) columnsfirst set label 3 "80/64" at x1,2.25 left set label 1 sprintf("Optimization: -O2") at x1,0.3 left ### hosts do for [j=1:words(hosts)] { h=word(hosts,j) if(j==1) { # set lmargin set rmargin 0 set format y "%g" } if(j>1) { # set lmargin 0 # set rmargin set format y "" } if(j==words(hosts)) { set rmargin } ### compilation flags do for [i=1:words(flags)] { ext=word(flags,i) if(i==1){ set title h set format x "" set xlabel #set tmargin #set bmargin 0 set label 2 " " at x1,0.2 left } if(i==2) { unset title set format x "%g" set xlabel "log_{10}N" #set tmargin 0 #set bmargin set label 2 "-march=native" at x1,0.2 left } ### prepare files for different tests do for [t in tlist] { f=h."_".t.ext system( sprintf("cd %s; paste 64_%s 80_%s > %s.tmp",dir,f,f,f) ) } ### #set title sprintf("Performance 80-bit over %s-bit",p) #set output sprintf('%s_80_%s.png',h,p.ext) #plot for [i=1:words(tlist)] dir.h."_".word(tlist,i).ext.".tmp" using 2:($5/$15) title h." ".word(caps,i) with lp plot for [k=1:words(tlist)] dir.h."_".word(tlist,k).ext.".tmp" using (log10($2)):($5/$15) title "Test ".word(caps,k) with lp } #end flags } #end hosts unset multiplot