# Gnuplot # convergence of E reset set macros #set term png enhanced font arial 10 size 400,600 set term png enhanced size 400,400 fontscale 0.8 set xlabel "N" set key left bottom Left reverse set xrange [2**9 : 2**46] #set yrange [-eps:18] set logscale x set logscale y set grid # reset index of default line styles colors="black blue green dark-violet red yellow brown" set for [i=1:words(colors)] linetype i lw 2 lc rgb word(colors, i) #ref=2.71828182845904523536029 #set title sprintf("Convergence of E") set label 1 sprintf("Convergence of E") at 1e8,2e-4 left set output sprintf('err_e.png') plot "E_32_err.dat" using 2:($2 <= 2**19 ? abs($4) : 1/0) title "32-bit" with lp,\ "E_64_err.dat" using 2:(abs($4)) title "64-bit" with lp,\ "E_80_err.dat" using 2:(abs($4)) title "80-bit" with lp