# Gnuplot script # plot relative timing for 80-bit calculation for different CPUs reset set macros #set term png enhanced font arial 10 size 520,390 set term png enhanced font arial 10 size 500,500 set xlabel "N" set key left Left reverse set xrange [2**16 : 2**34] set logscale x # set logscale y set grid #### different processors vs. cluster set output 'timing-cpu.png' set title "Performance relative to cluster" #set ylabel "Performance relative to cluster" system("paste 10_cluster.dat 10_rut.dat > rut.tmp") system("paste 10_cluster.dat 10_cluster23.dat > cluster23.tmp") system("paste 10_cluster.dat 10_cluster42.dat > cluster42.tmp") system("paste 10_cluster.dat 10_nuke.dat > nuke.tmp") system("paste 10_cluster.dat 10_chromebook.dat > chromebook.tmp") plot \ "cluster23.tmp" using 2:($5/$10) title "Cluster23" with lines lw 2 lc rgb "black",\ "cluster42.tmp" using 2:($5/$10) title "Cluster42" with lines lw 2 lc rgb "brown",\ "nuke.tmp" using 2:($5/$10) title "Nuke" with lines lw 2 lc rgb "blue",\ "rut.tmp" using 2:($5/$10) title "Laptop" with lines lw 2 lc rgb "red",\ "chromebook.tmp" using 2:($5/$10) title "Chromebook" with lines lw 2 lc rgb "green"