# Gnuplot script # Execution time vs. N reset set macros set term png enhanced font arial 10 size 500,375 set output 'time.png' set ylabel "Execution time (sec)" set xlabel "N" set key left top Left set xrange [2**24 : 10**10] set logscale x set logscale y set grid plot "test10-rut.dat" using 2:5 title "laptop" with l lc rgb "red",\ "test10-chromebook.dat" using 2:5 title "chromebook" with l lc rgb "green",\ "test10-nuke.dat" using 2:5 title "nuke" with l lc rgb "blue",\ "test10-cluster.dat" using 2:5 title "cluster" with l lc rgb "black",\ "test10-cluster41.dat" using 2:5 title "cluster41" with l lc rgb "brown"