![]() | Curriculum Vita |
DATE OF BIRTH: January 1, 1952
HOME ADDRESS: Russia, Moscow region, Troitsk, October Prospect, 31, Apt. 19
WORK ADDRESS: Russia, 117312, Moscow, 60th October Anniversary Prospect, 7a Institute for Nuclear Research
TELEPHONE: 7-095-3340185 (office) 7-096-7511503 (home)
FAX: 7-096-7511503
E-MAIL: bz@inr.ru
EDUCATION: 1969-1974 MS and BS degree in Chemistry.Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry.
SCIENTIFIC DEGREE: PhD in Chemistry (Radiochemistry), 1982
• From 1974 till 1987 I was working in Dubna, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, as research scientist and senior research scientist.During these years I was involved in wide range of scientific and technology developments, in particular:
- various experiments on heavy ion accelerators, proton accelerators and nuclear reactors;
- development of new methods of radiochemical isolation, in particular, high temperature gas methods;
- isotope production from the accelerator targets;
- developments in actinide and trans-actinide chemistry;
- search of new chemical elements in nuclear reactions products at heavy ion beam and in natural samples (meteorites, ores, industrial wastes, etc.);
- quantum chemical calculations of chemical element properties;
- development of new methods of analysis of rare and noble metals;
- isolation of rare metals from burning coals.
• In 1982 I have defended PhD thesis, Dissertation theme:"Gas Chemical methods in isotope isolation and search of superheavy elements".
• From 1987 up to present time I am working at the Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences, now as a Head of the Laboratory of Radioisotope Complex.
In this Institute I was involved in several large fundamental and applied projects on the base of proton accelerator of Moscow Meson Factory. I am responsible for radioisotope program of the Institute. My group has designed, constructed and is operating of Radioisotope Production Facility at INR accelerator (160 MeV beam). In collaboration with TRIUMF (Vancouver) we have developed a new efficient method and technology of strontium-82 production from metallic rubidium target and began high level production. The facility is considered to be the most powerful in Europe with the highest level of automation and safety. Sodium-22, palladium-103, germanium-68 and cadmium-109 are also produced at the facility. Targetry investigations at high intensity beam are performed at the facility. We have developed new principal methods of isotope production. Several projects for radioisotope production are performed together with Los Alamos and Brookhaven National laboratories. I am the Principle investigator in these projects. The laboratory has a fruitful collaboration also with a number of Russian nuclear institutions. Routine radioisotope production is organized on the base of the INR facility that covers a big fracture of world strontiun-82 market.
I am responsible for operation of the facility, development of new methods in targetry and chemistry, organization, strategic planning, marketing and principle technology developments, as well as for contacts with scientific and commercial partners.
- Basic research is also performed at the facility, in particular, the investigation of isotopes with high-spin isomeric states.
• I was invited to present several lectures for new radiochemical methods and new element search in Moscow State University, Livermore National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Milano University (8 lectures).
• As an expert of high temperature nuclear chemistry I was invited also to analyze the cause and consequences of the Chernobyl accident as well as several other nuclear projects.
• I am the member of the American Nuclear Society and Russian Society of Nuclear Medicine.
I have about 100 scientific publications, including articles in western and Russian journals, conference proceedings and preprints. I participated in many scientific conferences with oral reports for various fields of radiochemistry, analytical chemistry and nuclear physics. I am a co-author of 4 patents.
SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION: I was many times abroad to participate in scientific collaboration with Institutes in Canada, US, Germany and Italy.
SKILLS: I know well various fields of radiochemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, chemical technology, nuclear physics. Special expertise in high temperature chemical processes. I am well acquainted with various methods of chemical analysis and calculations of chemical and nuclear processes.
LANGUAGES: Fluent English (many oral reports at seminars and conferences).German (read special literature and speak)
![]() | Study Themes |
Прикладная ядерная физика, радиоизотопные исследования, электроядерная трансмутация делящихся материалов, ядерная медицина(2014-2016)/Радиоизотопные исследования(2014-2016)
Фундаментальная и прикладная ядерная физика(2012-2014)/Радиоизотопные исследования(2012-2014)
Физика элементарных частиц, фундаментальная ядерная физика и ядерные технологии(2014-2014)/Исследование методов и разработка технологии получения медицинских изотопов на сильноточных протонных пучках(2014-2014)
![]() | Talks |
2012 | Новые методы получения радиоизотопов для медицины [PPT PowerPoint 2003 30.9Mb] [TRU звук 3.8Mb] ![]() |
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Egor KOVARSKY Bachelor thesis "Экспериментальное определение сечений образования радиоизотопа Ас225 при облучении ториевых фольг пучком протонов" (01.06.2010)
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