15 октября 2013 года подписан меморандум о сотрудничестве в создании глобальной системы исследования нейтрино высоких энергий, включающей крупнейшие установки мирового класса: БГНТ ИЯИ РАН, ANTARES, KM3NeT, IceCube


The idea to form a Global Neutrino Observatory (GNO) has been discussed in the international community of high-energy neutrino astrophysicists for several years, resulting in a Letter of Intent (Lol). The Lol has been endorsed by the institutional boards of the participating collaborations (listed below), The first step toward establishing the GNO (and the subject of this MoU) is the creation of Phase-I of GNO, a Global Neutrino Network (GNNJ. GNN has the goal of developing a coherent strategy to maximize the synergistic effects of exchanging information, analysis methods and scientists, of cross-checking results, and of defining common ways of presenting data. GNN is also intended to facilitate preparation of Phase-ll, which will include future detectors of similar scale in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. From a physics point of view, the future Phase-ll can be seen as a single infrastructure with detectors distributed over several continents. GNN Is a consortium of independent collaborations.


The initial partners of the GNN are four collaborations operating or constructing underwater or in-ice neutrino telescopes. In alphabetic order, they are:

ANTARES: The ANTARES collaboration operates a neutrino telescope of about 107 m* volume in the Mediterranean Sea close to Toulon, France. The ANTARES detector has proven the feasibility of constructing and operating deep-sea neutrino telescopes.

Baikal: The Baikal collaboration operates a small neutrino detector of about 105 mJ volume in Lake Baikal, which pioneered the field in the 1990s, and is in the prototyping/early construction phase for a telescope of cubic-kilometer scale. Из рецензии на выполненный контракт: "Работа и представленная научныа документация выполнены на высоком профессиональном уровне. В результате её выполнения получены новые знания, не уступающие мировому уровню и имеющие несомненную научную и практическую значимость. В частности предложенные высокоскоростные методы сбора и обработки больших объёмов информации могут быть использованы и в других областях. Поскольку такие УСУ, как Байкальская нейтринная обсерватория, способствуют поддержанию лидирующих позиций в мире, следует и дальше осуществлять материально-техническую поддержку исследований, проводимых с помощью Байкальской нейтринной обсерватории."

IceCube: The IceCube collaboration operates a cubic-kilometer neutrino telescope at the South Pole and is presently discussing possible extensions to address physics at energies beyond the original design goals.

KM3NeT: The KM3NeT collaboration has emerged from the projects ANTARES, NESTOR and NEMO. The project aims at a distributed infrastructure In the Mediterranean Sea with a total volume of several cubic kilometers. It Is in the first construction phase.