The Directions of Research Activities
- elementary particle physics, theory of gauge fields and fundamental
interactions, high energy physics, particle physics and cosmology;
- neutrino astrophysics, neutrino and gamma-astronomy, cosmic ray physics,
investigation of neutrino fluxes from the Sun and collapsing stars;
- development and construction of neutrino telescopes in the low-background
underground and underwater laboratories for studying natural fluxes of
neutrino and other elementary particles;
- nuclear physics, dynamics of nuclear and photo-nuclear reactions,
physics of radionuclides and heavy ions
- neutron physics, intensive neutron source technologies, studies of
condensed media on neutron beams;
- intermediate energy high-intensity accelerator physics and engineering,
physics and technology of high-intensity accelerators.
- applied nuclear physics, radioisotope investigations, electric nuclear transmutation of decaying materials, radiation material science and nuclear medicine.
Of especial interest became theoretical research in the field of high
energy physics and the development of the perturbation theory in
quantum theory of field, studies of vacuum structure in gauge
theories, development of research methods of dynamic of hadrons strong
interactions beyond the perturbation theory, research of the processes
beyond the Standard Model of the elementary particle theory,
description of baryon asymmetry of the Universe and studies of
correlation between particle physics and cosmology.
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Fedor Bezrukov
Last modified: Tue Feb 11 20:37:44 MSK 1997