Please note that offices are located in the Theory Division building while the Conference hall is in the Main building (100 m away)!

Room 5 is a common room with space for discussions. Our kitchen, a printer and shelves with stationary are located there. It is also a temporary office of Grisha Rubtsov who can help you in case of computer troubles.

List of participants (rooms in parentheses):
(the participants without a room did not apply for office space)

Belov K. (34)
Berezinsky V.
Bugaev E. (28)
Volkova L.
Giller M.
Gorbunov D. (1)
Dedenko L. (29)
Dubovsky S. (1)
Zatsepin G.
Kachelriess M. (26)
Kirillov A.
Kuzmin V. (27)
Mikheyev S. (Baikal building)
Pravdin M. (23)
Roganova T.
Rubtsov G. (5)
Semikoz D. (1)
Tinyakov P. (2)
Tkachev I. (3)
Troitsky S. (2)
Uryson A.
Fedorova G.
Fedunin E.
Fairbairn M. (25)
Khromina N.
Shinozaki K. (34)
Stern B.